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According to KCRG channel 9 ABC, “A Cedar Rapids homeowner was expecting his home to be safe to move into after passing a home inspection. However, he discovered mold was missed, and it was causing him to get sick.”

“The whole house had high levels of toxic fungus, especially two of the most toxic and life-threating ones to humans and animals,” said Stephen Paxton, the homeowner.

“This was Stephen Paxton’s second time buying a home, and he said he did his research – including finding a reliable home inspector.”

“You trust the process, there is a lot of homes being sold in Cedar Rapids, so you trust the real estate process with inspection, and I thought I was getting into a healthy home,” said Paxton.
“What he soon would find out – things get missed, and this time, it was at a cost to his health.”

How Does Mold Arrive?

When excess moisture is in your Cedar Rapids, IA home from high levels of indoor humidity or water damage, mold growth can occur. The longer an area experiences high levels of moisture, the more likely it is that mold will grow, causing mold damage. Generally, mold spores are everywhere and are a natural part of everyday life. Mold damage can become a severe threat if not handled in a timely manner. It’s crucial to begin the mold cleanup and removal process as soon as possible to prevent further spreading.

What Are Molds?

Molds are a form of fungus. There are many different types, and they can occur both indoors and outdoors.

Molds produce spores, which spread by floating around in the air. Mold spores are present in all indoor environments. There is no way to prevent spores, and they can persist in conditions where mold itself cannot grow.

Mold spores thrive in environments that are moist and warm, so when they land on a damp spot, they begin to grow.

Nobody knows how many kinds of mold there are, but experts estimate that there may be 300,000 or more different types. Some are more likely than others to appear in the home.

Iowa does not have a mandatory inspection regulation for mold, and if you pay for an inspection, the inspector may not pick up a mold problem unless you specifically look for mold.

Protection and prevention

Controlling moisture is the key to preventing mold from growing indoors. It is also essential to keep the home clean and well ventilated.

Causes of humidity in the home include:

  • the breath of people and pets
  • use of water for washing and cooking
  • moisture in the air, for example, on rainy or humid days
  • water leaks
  • living in a building with tightly-sealed windows and doors

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advise people to aim for a humidity level of below 60%.

If you find mold there are ways to remove it, but it is best to Call in a professional to tackle large areas of mold.

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PHOTO: John Doyle

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